Dev Test Site 2015ish
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Engine and Exhaust

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Change Your Oil, UT Drivers!

As engine technology advances, recommended oil change intervals have gotten longer.  High quality oil in a well-engineered engine has led to extended intervals.  Here’s the problem:&n...
Published on: Jun 10, 2017

Fakeville: Have You Considered Synthetic Oil?

I recently saw an ad for synthetic oil.  I really hadn’t heard about it before, so I asked by service advisor for some background.  Basically, the inside of your engine gets hot becaus...
Published on: Apr 01, 2017

The Maintenance Mindset: Full-Service Oil Change At Dev Test Site 2015ish

{{ image('MzIx') }} people generally accept that many things in life require regular maintenance: their teeth, clothes, yards and so on, but people in UT often don't apply the idea of maintenance to...
Published on: Nov 11, 2015